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Getting Permission

Securing copyright permission

There are two ways to obtain permission to use copyrighted materials. You may either contact the copyright holder directly, or you may use a rights clearinghouse.

Whether you are contacting a rights holder directly, or using a clearinghouse, you will need to have the following information:

  • Exact description/citation of the work to be used/copied
  • Exact description of what rights you are requesting (how you plan to use the work); you must request (and pay, if applicable) for each type of right you request.

For example, if you are granted the right to use an image in a PowerPoint presentation, it doesn’t mean you have the right to use that image in a paper you are writing, unless you have also been granted that right.

If you choose to contact the rights holder directly, please:

If you choose to use a copyright clearinghouse, be aware that different clearinghouses deal with different types of works:

The organizations listed here site do not represent every author/creator or type of work – if you are having trouble locating rights for a specific work, please contact

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