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Citation Tools


is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share research.

Collect with a click.

Zotero automatically senses research on the web. Need an article from JSTOR or a preprint from A news story from the New York Times or a book from a library? Zotero has you covered, everywhere.

Organize your way.

Zotero helps you organize your research any way you want. You can sort items into collections and tag them with keywords. Or create saved searches that automatically fill with relevant materials as you work.

Cite in style.

Zotero instantly creates references and bibliographies for any text editor, and directly inside Word and LibreOffice. With support for over 8,000 citation styles, you can format your work to match any style guide or publication.

Stay in sync.

Zotero can optionally synchronize your data across devices, keeping your notes, files, and bibliographic records seamlessly up to date. If you decide to sync, you can also always access your research from any web browser.

Collaborate freely.

Zotero lets you freely collaborate with fellow researchers and distribute class materials to your students. With no restrictions on membership, you can share your Zotero library in public or in private.


Installing Zotero is a two-step process. Step 1 is the program itself, and Step 2 allows you to connect to browsers to add citations from the web.

Step 1:

1. Visit
2. Click Download

Step 2:

3. Click the Download to the download Zotero and Connector appropriate for your OS.

4. Follow the prompts for installing on your device.

Create your account

1. Visit
2. Click Log In

3. Click Register for a free account

4. Complete the fields and verify you are not a robot.

For more information visit our > Zotero LibGuide

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