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Faculty Teaching Resources

New faculty

Here you will find some of the resources you’ll need to get set up to begin teaching.

  • Getting started:
  • Learning Management System: Moodle is the system most used here at Pacific, which provides course web spaces, discussion forums, online quizzing, and other instructional tools. We provide numerous Moodle tutorials and workshops to help you to get started and learn the features of this system. It is a good idea to consult these tutorials before using Google, because they will give you the guidance appropriate to our version of Moodle. To set up your courses on Moodle, use the “Link Your Course” tool at the top of each Moodle page (more on this here). If you don’t see your course listed, contact the Center for Educational Technology and Curricular Innovation (CETCI).
  • Room Scheduling: EMS Room Scheduling is what you will use to book rooms other than your regular classroom, for a class, meeting or for anything else. Your regular classroom will be booked for you, and you can view the details on BoxerOnline.
  • Finals and Evaluations: Look up when the final for your class will be here. Course evaluations are administered by IOTA360 and they will email students directly to give them access, but it is a good idea to build in class time, with the instructor out of the room, at the end of the semester for students to fill these out. You will submit your grades on BoxerOnline, and you’ll find a helpful document on how to do that here.
  • Technology Access: If you need a login to access a particular application or equipment, for example in labs, contact University Information Services (UIS). For some applications, such as Poll Everywhere, you will need to contact the Center for Educational Technology and Curricular Innovation (CETCI). You can find a variety of resources for troubleshooting, how-tos and policy guidance on UIS’ Knowledge Base.
  • Course Catalog and Enrollment: You’ll find these and many other useful tools on BoxerOnline.
  • Directory: You’ll find this and links to other services at myAccount.

Pedagogy resources

  • Teaching Development Events: CETCI runs a variety of events designed to enhance your teaching toolkit. Join in on our faculty lecture series, including events like the Pedagogy Speed Date, and our immersive institutes and retreats. See what’s coming up on our “Upcoming Events” schedule.
  • Consultation and Support: Need guidance on a teaching project or assistance with instructional technology? Drop us an email at, and let’s schedule some time to chat and explore the possibilities.
  • Learning Communities: Explore our faculty learning communities, where small groups engage deeply in specific pedagogical topics. These communities, often with a robust online component, offer a space for discussions, workshops, and seminars. Visit our “Upcoming Events” page to see what’s coming up, or reach out on email.
  • Web Resources for Teaching and Learning: Our web resources are growing to support Pacific’s unique learning environment.

Classroom setup

  • What’s In My Classroom?: Find out what equipment is available in a particular classroom by looking it up in EMS Room Scheduling.
  • Podium Guides: For documentation on different podium types and how to use them, visit this resource.
  • Hybrid Teaching Resources: CETCI has collected a number of resources to assist you with hybrid and post-pandemic teaching, which can be found here.

Teaching technologies

  • Moodle provides Pacific faculty, staff, and students with course web spaces, discussion forums, online quizzing, and other instructional tools. We provide numerous Moodle tutorials and workshops to help you to get started and learn the features of this system. It is a good idea to consult these tutorials before using Google, because they will give you the guidance appropriate to our version of Moodle. To set up your courses on Moodle, use the “Link Your Course” tool at the top of each Moodle page (more on this here).
  • Boxer Apps for Education is our version of the Google Apps for Education suite. Access Docs, YouTube, and more with your Pacific University account.
  • Zoom is Pacific’s primary web conferencing system and is accessible to all faculty, staff, and students. It’s also connected directly to Moodle so it’s easy to integrate right into your classes.
  • PollEverywhere is an online polling system that students can access from their computer, phone, or other web-enabled devices, and can be used to spice up classes with an interactive component.
  • WordPress can be used for student e-portfolios, class websites, and even your faculty tenure portfolio. It’s a versatile canvas for your academic pursuits.
  • EMS Room Scheduling – Campus community classroom, meeting and events EMS room scheduling tool to make room reservations and more.

See a full list of technology resources here.

General resources

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